
Team Description

My role was largely individual in nature, as my purpose was to conduct a critical analysis and evaluation as an unbiased third party to the upcoming PEGA platform being developed. I did, however, have a senior member, who had contributed to the development of this platform, as an available point of contact for the duration of my one-month long internshp.

This senior member took on the role of being both a mentor to me in the early stages, through providing assistance regarding the PEGA platform I was to analyse and guidance in what my role as a design analyst meant; and an evaluator, by providing feedback and constructive criticism to drafts of my final, formal report that I was to submit.

Primary Application Reason

This was my first experience working in a corporate environment, and I had wished to gain experience of what this environment was like as soon as possible, so that I would be prepared for the full-time work requirement during my placement, later in my degree, and further in the future upon graduating. I also wished to confirm for myself, to a greater extent, that the Interaction Design sphere that I had as my major, was indeed the career path I wished to pursue upon graduation.

The role for this job, a design analyst, was within the Interaction Design sphere, for which I had completed three subjects for university at this point, and had begun to develop a strong interest in Interaction Design. Through working in this role that required creative and critical thinking, within a design-focused situation, I became sure of wanting to pursue a career within this stream.


My role was to evaluate and provide recommendations and critiques of an upcoming PEGA platform to be implemented by the company, as a design analyst. It required a thorough understanding of design principles to understand the positives and areas to suggest improvement for in this platform; and clear written and verbal communication skills, to express these findings and evaluations in a formal report.

This was my first experience completing a set task in a corporate environment, and working in a company. It was also my first experience working, and being within the Interaction Design field, cemented for me that this was a stream I was passionate about, and wished to pursue upon graduation.