This subject was the first opportunity to work on developing a physical prototype, as opposed to the previous digital ones It required developing a physical product as a team, that either solved an existing problem, was a functional game, or a unique take on a musical instrument. Our group proceeded with the option of developing a solution to an existing problem, based on collective results from early interviewing conducted and ideas developed in the initial individual and group ideation and brainstorming processes.
In order to create a solution that was more useful to its target audience, it was necessary to conduct interviews and research in more earnest. This not only improved the effectiveness of what the finished product would aim to do, but it also allowed for the idea to be more polished and clearly defined even in the early stages. One discovery during this stage, was that by making owners feel more attached to their plants, they would be more inclined to take better care of their plants, which in turn would make them less likely to die.
It was then necessary to clearly define and determine exactly what our product would be a solution for, including how it would appear and function for its intended purpose. While there was room for this to change throughout the duration of its development, this definition provided a clear goal and target to work towards in the early stages. The end result, was deciding on an insert into pot plants, that would monitor soil humidity, light, temperature and soil quality; in order to better support owners in preventing their plants from dying.
The end result for the features and functionalities of this product is mentioned above; however, during the ideation phase, there were many more ideas that were suggested but eventually rejected during this time. This rejection ended up being due to factors such as time and resource requirements and limitations, as well as due to group discussion of the value add that these different features offered. One notable idea added at this time that was implemented, was to make it more interactive through a digital face that would have either a happy face when within pre-defined "ideal ranges" for all measured values, and a sad face when it wasn't. Furthermore, in line with the discovery that there would be benefits to creating a stronger emotional connection between an owner and their plants, this prototype was made with design and functionality inspired by a Tamogatchi.
The end result for the prototype was required to be physical. However, to prevent wasted time and resources in the creation and completion of the physical prototype, it was first made, edited and confirmed in a digital format. Upon completion and review of this digital format, the prototype was then transitioned into its final physical form.
In the final weeks of this subject, it was necessary to test the physical prototype being developed. This was completed in class, through a demonstration to the tutor and other students for an opportunity to improve the prototype through feedback and questions.
The prototype that was completed at the conclusion of this subject was highly successful, having won first place in both awards at the inaugural UTS Tech Festival in 2022.